No one could have been fully prepared for COVID-19. As a business owner, it has been a very tricky course to navigate. What’s great about being a small business owner is the ability to pivot what we offer almost overnight. Plus a team of trainers and video editor who jumped at the opportunity to get new services online swiftly.

Once we decided to suspend our in-person services we knew going online was a must to continue to serve our community. We created online classes, purchased online resources to host virtual sessions, videotaped lessons, and got to marketing these options. In addition, we came up with more ideas for the future and started to offer free resources at 10am ET on Facebook live.

Our sweet spot is teaching people in person. The transition to virtual training has been different, we miss meeting people in real life, but we are thrilled to have this opportunity.


The team created five online classes. This included tricks, scent work foundation, manners, intro to AKC rally obedience, and impulse control. Each class has its own private Facebook group. Within the group the instructor posts videos, additional resources, answers questions, and reviews students videos to give feedback. In addition, the classes meet once a week through a video meeting. The meeting is recorded in case students cannot attend. During this meeting students can ask questions, trouble shoot their training, and get additional instruction.

The groups and meetings help keep our awesome community connected supporting each other.

We are seeing students learn even more than a traditional group class since they are videotaping their own practice sessions. They have a clearer picture (literally) of how they are doing as a team. It is also less distracting learning what to teach since they are at home watching the instructor videos. Students likely also get more attention through this online format.

In addition to online group classes, we are also offering virtual one-on-one coaching and online workshops focusing on one topic.  It will be neat to see how these options help the learners, too.

Facebook Live

The response to our Facebook live broadcast has been amazing. Each day Monday through Saturday at 10am ET we cover a topic on our Facebook page. Those who watch live can interact with Paula, owner and head trainer, on the topic covered. They can also watch the recording later. She has covered: tricks, Kong recipes, nail care, manners skills, and more. Is there a topic you hope we cover?

For those who are not on Facebook we have also uploaded each video to a playlist on our YouTube channel. We want to make sure everyone has a chance to utilize this information.

While we would not wish this quarantine on anyone, we are thankful for the ability to develop services to support our community from afar. We look forward to when we can see people face-to-face. That being said, the online platforms will likely continue to be one of our services going forward. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our mission during these challenging times.

Check out our online learning options here: